That's my favourite red lippie on my brow. blue glitter on the lids, green glitter on the cheeks and actually you can't see it but green eye shadow as foundation.
Ah, the bliss of Aliendom. Shu Uemura must be turning in his grave.
We now take a commercial break for a flashback to the Bistro Days. Man do those days seem like weeks ago. (make that a MONTH ago):My Perfect Cappochino
(does the spelling look weird to you? i never did learn how to spell that thing. Now you know why i scrawled all over the order chit. It WASN'T because of illegible handwriting. nuh uh)
Aeiral View
Why so many shots of the stupid cup? Because i can. Besides you don't wanna know how many shots of the coffee i deleted in the first place.
the coffee machine, ling, and the manager who i think is hot and got fired haha.
Whoever said captions had to make sense.
The frontish part of the bistro.
Annnnnd now for the star of our new Terminal 3 Transit Area:
The Ladies Powder Room cum Toilet
The Makeup Stations
The Powder Room Area
I swear.. it's the best toilet i have ever had the honour of crapping and eye-lining in. Besides the one in KLCC where i paid RM2.00 to enter and had a whole range of Johnson & Johnson and The BodyShop Products.
Be sure to visit this toilet at lease once in your life.
Random tea flower thing i just had to throw in. Coolness
1) Pop grass bundle thing into clear bottle filled with hot water. (I used CHOYA)
2) Stone
3) Voila!! Flower.
annnnd now because this is my blog and mine alone, my cam whoring pics which do not look even a little like me minus the convenient phone camera fuzz, makeup and poor lighting, but look good all the same.
More strategically placed glitter.
Close up of the freaking colourful eyebags i am so blessed with
It's the half i like haha. I was trying to match the Huge ass red earrings clara,mich,kevin,hongchin (last name obviously thrown in) bought for me for my birthday.
What can i say, i love my eyeliner, and my bro loves cam whoring. I foresee such funtimes together. Me, my squish and my cam.
Why red lipstick should NEVER be used as a substitute eyeliner (together with that sadako pic my dear kelsey so unflatteringly took of me, it's no wonder i am so *ahem* attractive)
Attempting that much overhyped kawaii (spelling?) look. Hmm, i never knew i had such an ape-like gap in front of my nose. How nice.
The End
Thank You Celine for making this possible :]