Naomi Alexis Lim Huiling
Just your not-so-average Twenteen-Year-Old
Madly addicted to drama and romance
Totally and undeniably crazy... Just a little ;)

I am a Dragon, hear me roar



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    in no order of want/need:
    beautyblender® Duo Set


    This amazingly (expensive) sponge is supposed to be PERFECT for liquid foundation.
    Not sure if the local Sephora has it.

    by MakeupByTiffanyD

    Flower Vase Fillers


    Just regular ol' beads to fill the bottom of flower vases. I need them to make this:


    Pretty ain't it? I've got 2 coke glasses whic are a wee bit too tall for my brushes so I need the beads to fill them up ;]

    Sigma Makeup
    Complete Professional Brush Set with Brush Roll


    Apparently these brushes are as good as MAC but way cheaper

    by MakeupByTiffanyD


    Hannah Banana!

    Orang Utan

    Rose Gang!
    Celine Choe
    Kelynn Hoi
    Dial 8 For Roses (FB)


    Yihui's- Accessories and Clothes (Support my cousin!)
    Yihui's- Cakes and Brownies (Support my cousin!)
    Sharmain's- Assorted (Support my cousin!)
    MagicalTannSu- Makeup

    Make Up Blogs
    Retail Therapy
    Tiffany aka Makeupbytiffanyd
    Elle aka AllThatGlitters21
    Blair aka JuicyStar07 aka Elle's sister
    Julia aka MizzChievouz
    Jinae aka Jinaechae
    Emily Noel's Beauty Broadcast aka Emilynoel83
    Sara aka Icyabstract


    ★November 2006
    ★December 2006
    ★January 2007
    ★February 2007
    ★March 2007
    ★April 2007
    ★May 2007
    ★June 2007
    ★July 2007
    ★September 2007
    ★October 2007
    ★November 2007
    ★December 2007
    ★January 2008
    ★March 2008
    ★October 2008
    ★November 2008
    ★January 2009
    ★February 2009
    ★March 2009
    ★April 2009
    ★May 2009


    Designer : VANESSA
    Others : PHOTObucket

    Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    Yesterday was not a good day. It just wasn't one of those days when you should buy Toto or 4D tickets. You know there are days you know you're going to strike gold? Yesterday wasn't one of them.

    My day started off pretty normal. Fast forward through the boring bits, and you've got me setting off to meet my classmates. I just should have known that it wasn't my day when i got sent tracking around orchard road in my new heels and outlandish attire. Ok so i made the decision to wear the heels that morning and i dressed myself and maybe i out on too much makeup... have no idea what I'm going on about? You'll find out pretty soon.

    Anyway, as i was saying before i went off on a slight tangent, i rushed by cab to cine leisure because i got held up somewhere else, only to find out that they changed the meeting point to Wisma outside Charles & Keith. After hustling over, i call to find out that the meeting point has yet again been changed to the connector between taka and wisma, and so i trek backwards. so i know i need exercise, that is painfully clear, but this really too much, i mean i had my mobile phone with me, all it would have taken is one freaking phone call.

    Sigh, all right, I'm venting. No offence meant to all involved.

    Moving on, my classmates and i then went to watch the worst show I've ever watched (no wait, i think that particular honour goes to House of Wax), Alien Vs. Predator 2. People, don't waste your money. Besides the arm dropping off thing or the head being burnt by acid thing, the show just became so hopeless after the first 15 mins that had i been in it, i would have set the whole freaking town on fire, just to put them all out of their misery. Oh wait, the national guards DID do that in the end. Oh, I'm sorry, did i just spoil the story for you? Good, means there's a lower chance of you wasting your precious cash on it.

    All in all it gets

    ★★★★★ For the cool army woman who could kick ass and the great CGI and sound effects.

    So after that horrifying experience, we made our way down to Crepes and Cream, really good. I love my Cheesy Chicken Floss Crepe. Then i made the mistake of sharing one of my scandalous experience with my classmates. Don't see the mistake? Well hang on, I'm getting to it.

    I was due to meet mx, aly, pam and ghis at Chinatown MRT for dinner so i leave my dear classmates at 5 plus. Then i had a repeat of the tp library incident, but about a million times more harrowing. See the thing is, i didn't know i looked outlandish, i just picked out what i though suitable for the whole day. I mean i tied my hair back so my orange xiemushu do wouldn't stand out and i focused my makeup on covering the scars and blotchy skin.

    And then what happens? I get accosted by a negro man. A freaking huge negro man. It was so freaking traumatising i don't even feel like blogging about it. Anyway, cutting it short, being stupid as i was, i panicked. I didn't want to offend that guy cause come on, he could beat me up! So in my desperation, i couldn't think of anything but to call my friends up from cine so that guy would be scared away.

    So i did the stupidest thing i could have done. I messaged weilong blindly and asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend cause he was the only guy there. So he calls me and asks where i am. I thought my classmates were coming so i relaxed a little. Then Rachel calls back and thinks I'm pulling a prank on them. I couldn't even explain to her because the guy was standing so close to me! i kept walking away but, sigh.. Anyway i promised the guy that i would think about calling him (yeah right i will. oh wait i did. i thought about for a whole second I've decided... NO!) and i managed to get away.

    And you know what the worst thing was? I couldn't let myself cry because i knew from experience that my eyeliner would run and I'll look more horrifying then i already did. So i just made my way back to cine and my classmates and chilled for a bit. I was wondering why Rachel didn't want to come help me then i realised.. it's because i told them about my scandalous thing before leaving, so they must have thought i was just being attention seeking or something. Nice.. For the record, if i wanted to invent a story, my imagination isn't that sad, i would have conjured up a hottie all right?

    Anyway, Rachel was nice enough to hike up her purse and offer to walk me out and confront the guy or something, and in the end they (Clara, Mich, Rachel, wl, nr) walked me out and i was so freaked out that i hoped into a cab, forgetting that by that time it was like 6:20pm and so the peak hour surcharge and ERP was almost half the fare itself.

    Then my evening turned for the better. Nothing like a nice crapping session with (most of) the rg to make everything all good :] So after talking it out, i realised that

    1) I shouldn't have been so polite, it's just asking for trouble
    2) I should have spoken mandarin to Rachel on the phone (maybe she would have grasped the urgency then)
    3) I should have given a fake number from the beginning and be done with it)
    4) I need for normal jeans and shirts. (But knowing me, even those would look outlandish on me)

    but what's done is done right? so i should just move on and learn from the experience. Especially when the day ended quite well. Oh yeah, i almost forgot. you know how it is when you usually end a bad day with something just as horrible? Well, i would have thought i used up my quota of bad luck but apparently i didn't. When aly crossed over to get to bus stop across the street and i stayed on the other side (because we usually take buses going in different directions) i realised i had to cross the street. After crossing the road with aly (who waited for me, thanks :]) she dashed off because her bus came. So i sat down. Then for some reason i decided to check the board. Guess what? my bus doesn't stop there. So i hoped on a bus to change at bugis. and when i got on i found out that *drum roll* i had 31 cents in my ez link card. Nice huh.

    Well, i guess it could have been worse. I could have had no money in my card and no bus that i could take at all and that guy could have stalked me. Puts a new spin to the phrase count your blessings huh.

    So now i ended my day, looking outlandish, stalked, traumatised, with my classmates thinking i'm a bigger joke than i already am and of course full of crap (courtesy of my dear rg ;]).

    The End
    Oh, and did i mention that my parents think that the reason i keep getting accosted is because i look sexually experienced, mature and experience? Nice huh.. seems that despite being overweight, with decrepit skin and eye pillows i still give off a vibe. I have the aura of desperation. Always good to know that when strange guys talk to me, it's because they think they can get some.
    I hope you sensed the sarcasm there.

    ❤slipping on a banana peel at 6:35:00 am